Pastor Paul Tessmer
Email: pctessmer@gmail.com

    Hannah Cook
  • Miss Hannah Cook
    Email:  cookhe21@gmail.com

    2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade teacher. 

    Miss Cook began teaching at Zion after graduating from Martin Luther College in the spring of 2018.  She grew up in Wisconsin, and her family currently resides in West Salem, WI.  She is a talented keyboard player and often plays organ for worship at Zion.

    You can contact Miss Cook in two ways.  Feel free to email her or call her at school after the school day has concluded at roughly 3:00 pm.  

    School phone number:  (989) 845-2377
    Kelly Mose
  • Mrs. Kelly Mose
    Email:  kellymose@gmail.com
    Instructor of Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st grade

    Kelly has served at Zion in several different positions since its opening in the 1980s.  She currently teaches our youngest students and helps direct the student choir at Zion.  She has four children with her husband Dave, all of which are avid Michigan State alumni or supporters.


    Preschool & Kindergarten information

    Zion Evangelical Lutheran School now offers all-day Kindergarten five days a week, and we will continue to have four year old preschool classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00-11:30am.    Children at least four years of age by September 1 who are also toilet trained are welcome to attend. 

    Bussing is offered to those students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade who live within the Chesaning Union School District.  For more details call Kelly Mose at 989-845-2377.

Sally McCaughna