We offer a variety of events and activities at Zion Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church and School.
In the summer, we have a soccer camp where children ages 3 through 8th grade come to learn about our Savior and play soccer!
We also offer Mornings with Mommy where moms can come and enjoy activities with their children and meet other Moms. There will be age-appropriate activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. And the best part is, we do all the planning, you just sign up! Learn more about Mornings with Mommy here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningswithmommychesaning/?ref=bookmarks%C3%82%C2%A0
At our church, we have multiple fellowship and youth memberships and activities. From having coffee hour between our two services and adult choir to Women Serving Christ, we have multiple opportunities for you to be involved. Our children's ministry includes Sunday School during the school year along with Boy and Girl Pioneers, so you and your family can become a part of our congregation.
